A Senior Safety Primer

Seniors can be the most vulnerable segment of the population when it comes to property theft. According to the Bureau of Justice, senior households (age 65 and up) have a burglary rate of 12 per 1,000 households (while no one is home) and 5 per 1,000 households (while the residence is occupied). Here are some […]

Stopping Warehouse Theft

Because of the burgeoning e-commerce industry, warehouses are growing in size, receiving and shipping more and more products. Warehouses can be easy, soft targets for theft if preventative measures aren’t put in place. Inside Jobs. Alarm systems can be installed to keep thieves from entering a warehouse, but much of warehouse theft is the result […]

Emergency Room Security—Keeping Staff & Patients Safe

A hospital emergency room can be a dangerous place. Along with the common injuries and illnesses that walk through the door, emergency rooms give care to gang members and unstable individuals including those who are often high on drugs. A calm environment can quickly spiral into chaos. According to a survey by the Emergency Nurses […]

Parking Lot Security: How To Keep Your Customers Safe

When we park our car in a parking lot or parking garage, we assume the location is safe and secure, but that’s not always the case. According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 11 percent of property crimes occur in parking lots or garages and over 7 percent of violent crimes occur there. Crimes […]