Using Security Guards To Reduce Vandalism

Vandalism comes in all forms—broken windows, graffiti/tagging, slashed tires, destroyed property. Regardless of the type of vandalism, the cost to repair the damage falls on the shoulders of property owners. Vandalism causes even more headaches for retailors—beyond the repair and clean up. Drives Away Customers. Graffiti can drive patrons from retail businesses. Who wants to […]

Access Control Security Is A Proud Sponsor of Kitchens For Good’s “Wasted” Fundraiser

Access Control Security is proud to be a sponsor of Wasted, an event that focuses on sustainability practices to prevent food waste. The event benefits Kitchens For Good, a non-profit that tackles issues of food waste, poverty and hunger in San Diego. Wasted takes place Sunday, October 20 from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at […]