The Role of A Security Guard
We’ve all seen security guards—at events, in shopping malls, in airports, at schools—but what are their actual duties and responsibilities?
A security guard’s number one priority is to keep individuals and property secure. While on patrol, security guards aren’t just strolling around the site, they are actively looking for illegal activity and hazardous situations. They are on the lookout for theft, vandalism, crimes against individuals and dangerous conditions.
Here’s just some of the activities security guards undertake on the job.
–Conduct security checks (i.e. at events, office entrances),
–Detain individuals they or others have seen committing crimes,
–Defuse volatile situations,
–Manage traffic flow (cars and people)
–Monitor site security cameras,
–Help create and implement an emergency plan in case a natural disaster or other tragedy occurs,
–Work with local law enforcement to keep up to date on criminal activity in the area
There are a host of other duties carried out by security guards. The guards’ role varies and customized depending on the specific needs of the client.
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