Security Guards & Good Customer Relations
A security guard’s shift is typically free of frenzied activity (i.e., chasing bad guys, detaining shoplifters, helping in emergencies). In fact, a major component of a guard’s day-to-day duties is to interact with law-abiding individuals and provide positive customer relations. Here are essential characteristics that all security guards should possess.
Be Courteous. Safeguarding a location is an important job, yet it doesn’t give guards the right to ignore or act curt to customers. Customers expect a positive experience whether at a music event or retail store. A bad encounter with a gruff security guard can ruin the experience. Security guards should be expected to be pleasant, make eye contact and be courteous to all customers—the vast majority of which don’t have illegal intentions.
Be Helpful. Even though security guards may be retained from an outside company, they should be prepared and willing to answer common customer questions. Questions could be as simple as asking about event hours or where to validate parking. Guards can also do little things—open doors, help with packages, offer directions—to create positive customer experiences.
Be A Good Listener. Security guards hear all kinds of stories. They must take the time to listen with a sympathetic ear.
Security guards have many responsibilities—protecting the public being the primary task. It can be difficult to switch gears to customer relations mode. However, being polite as well as professional goes a long way in helping people feel safe and secure.
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