Don’t Make Your Home A Target for Burglars

Reader’s Digest just came out with a list of the 35 things we do to make our homes easy targets for burglars. Here are some of the least obvious.

Using a Window Air Conditioner.  A thief could remove the unit, making for an easy entrance to your home.

Leaving Doggie Doors Unsecured While Away. A barking dog can be a great robber deterrent, but if you take your dog with you on vacation or even for a stroll, be sure to block or lock the doggie door. Robbers can fit through surprisingly small doggie doors without too much trouble.

Keeping the Garage Door Opener In Your Car. A thief who breaks into your car can steal your garage door opener. Your address is on the car registration so it’s not too hard to imagine the thief adding your home to his list of targets. Buy a keychain remote instead.

Placing Empty Boxes From New TVs or Computer Equipment By Your Trashcans. You just bought an X-Box or a 70-inch Ultra High Def television. You place the boxes they came in by your trashcans. Now, the world knows you’ve got new, expensive electronics in your home. Spend a few dollars on box cutters and cut up the boxes so they fit sight unseen inside the trash containers.

For the entire list, go to Reader’s Digest.