Gun Violence Strikes Again in the Workplace
The latest workplace tragedy, at a manufacturing plant in Aurora, Illinois where a just-fired employee shot and killed five co-workers, brings up the same question we ask every time an event like this occurs: what could have been done to prevent the horrendous act?
It appears that the shooter did not have the legal right to own a gun. Aside from the apparent gun background check failures that enabled the shooter to have a weapon, other security measures could have possibly prevented the shooting from taking place.
Strong Pre-Employment/Current Employment Screenings. By conducting a thorough pre-employment check in the shooter’s past and annual background checks while employed, the company may have learned of his ongoing violent behavior and criminal record.
Security Guards and Metal Detectors At Entrances. Security guards, metal detectors, guest check-ins and computer chip badges that control access are just some of the ways to deter criminal activity including bringing guns to the workplace.
Security Presence When Employees Are Terminated. Terminating a worker can be an emotional and uncomfortable experience for all involved. Once the employee has been told of the termination, have a security guard immediately escort the individual from the premises. Alert all members of the security team of the terminated individual. Provide an identifying photo so the former employee cannot try to re-enter the premises.
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