Nursing Homes And COVID-19 Security: Protecting Our Most Vulnerable
Eight out of 10 deaths in the U.S. due to coronavirus are people older than 65. A quarter of those deaths (nearly 30,000) were residents of nursing homes. Ground zero of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States was Kirkland Life Care Center, a nursing home outside of Seattle. At least 37 people connected with the nursing home have died from the virus.
Access Control Security (ACS) guards are supporting nursing home and assisted living facility personnel so staff and residents stay safe. Our security guards have become indispensable workers on the frontline of this public health emergency.
As soon as this national crisis began, security guard companies such as ACS immediately saw the need for more stringent safety procedures for high-risk locations. Security officers received training in COVID-19 emergency preparedness and response so they were able to quickly step in as the first line of defense in the battle to protect the public, especially the most vulnerable.
Nursing Home Security Services. At nursing homes across the country, guards enforce access restrictions at entrances. They screen authorized personnel and visitors (when allowed in), check IDs and take temperatures with contactless thermometers. When necessary, they ask about symptoms and contact history. Our guards make sure that all who enter a nursing home comply with health and safety guidelines.
As difficult it is to see grandparents blowing kisses to grandchildren from behind windows, we are doing our part to protect our elders until it’s safe for them to hold their loved ones again.
To learn more about ACS nursing home guard services, visit https://accesscontrolsecurity.com.
Watch Video: COVID 19 And Nursing Home Security
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