With Tensions Running High, Store Security Guards Needed

The holiday season is usually a time of joy and good will towards others. This year is different—as was the case at a Costco store in Tustin, California. A man with a bullhorn, climbed onto a clothing display to voice his views on mask wearing.  In these times of high anxiety, store security guards can help de-escalate these volatile situations.

Videos are popping up on social media of vocal customers in stores throughout California and Arizona—not just in Tustin, but in Eureka in Northern California and Tucson in Arizona.  When a disruption occurs, employees or customers shouldn’t be expected to step in to try to calm agitated individuals. They lack the proper training or authority to do so. Instead, large chain stores (where it seems most of these instances are occurring), should consider enlisting the help of security guards to de-escalate tense conditions, and, when necessary, escort troublemakers out of the store.

Keeping Order. Some shoppers enter a store looking to cause chaos. Others see someone not abiding by mask regulations and react vocally or physically. Either way, retail security guards can step in quickly to keep customers under control. Just seeing a guard in uniform can be a deterrent to prevent people from acting out. In addition, guards perform other duties—conduct temperature checks, make sure customers keep six feet apart in checkout lines or at store entrances, as well as prevent shoplifting.

Until society returns to normal and emotions are no longer high, security guards can ensure that the public feels safe to shop in stores and that those who choose to disrupt are dealt with promptly and professionally.

To request a security quote for store security guard services in Tustin, Eureka, Tucson and throughout California and Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at (877) 482-7324 or go to https://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request to get a quote.