As A New School Year Begins, Cities Are Hiring Security Guards To Improve School Safety
The Malibu City Council is considering hiring security guards to improve school safety in light of recent school shootings. The local sheriffs’ department says it doesn’t have enough personnel to secure all the city campuses.
Guards Create Rapport With Students. One of the benefits of having assigned guards to schools is that the guards build trust with students. While students may be hesitant to call the police or go to a principal with a safety concern, they feel more comfortable confiding in a security officer who they have built a relationship with.
That’s important. There are often warning signs of violent behavior well before a student carries out acts of violence. By gaining the confidence of students, campus guards can hear about and act upon threats before violence can happen.
Campus security guards have a host of other duties. They walk the school grounds, check entrances so all doors are secured and ensure that no one is on campus without permission. If an incident occurs that needs a guard’s assistance, they can respond in seconds. In emergencies, they help evacuate students and school personnel.
As we’ve seen, no school is immune from possible acts of violence.
To request a security quote for public or private school security guard services in California and Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request to get a quote.
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