As Criminal Retail Gang Activity Increases, So Does The Need For Store Security Guards
Organized gangs are entering stores during business hours and stealing merchandise. Store employees can only watch helplessly. That’s where store security guards can make a difference.
Southern California Retail Crime Ring Caught. Recently, four people were arrested who are suspected of stealing almost $2 million worth of merchandise from 43 stores in Orange County and throughout Southern California. Police say that the thefts took place while the stores were open. Their crime spree came to an end when store personnel began recognizing the suspects when they returned to steal again. They then contacted authorities.
Security guards are trained to notice the telltale signs of a shoplifter–oversized jackets or purses, failing to make eye contact with store employees, if they come in as a group, they spread throughout the store. When these red flags arise, security guards make sure they are visible to would-be shoplifters, usually discouraging them from stealing. And if an organized gang does decide to grab merchandise and attempt to run from the store, guards can usually apprehend at least one criminal, which can eventually lead to more arrests. This type of action is not the job of store employees, but it is the job of security guards.
To request a security guard quote for your retail store in California or Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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