Time For Back to School Safety Tips
With the start of the new school year upon us, now is a good time to remind kids how to get to and from their school safely. The National Safety Council provides safety tips for both parents and their children.
–Never walk while texting, talking on the phone or using headphones
–Use crosswalks whenever possible, obey crossing guard instructions, and always stop, look to the left, look right and then left again to see if cars are coming before crossing
–Never run out in front of a parked car
–Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or scooter
–Obey all traffic signs and lights. Walk your bike in a crosswalk.
–Practice walking with your children to and from school prior to the first day of class.
–If driving your kids to school, drop them off in front of the school and don’t leave until they are safely inside
–When driving, always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and take extra care in school zones
–Obey crossing guard traffic instructions
–Never pass a bus loading or unloading children
–The area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children; stop far enough back to allow them to safely enter and exit the bus
No matter how many times parents drill safety rules into their children, most will still act impulsively from time to time. It’s up to all of us to obey the speed limit when driving around schools and keep a close eye out for kids.
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