For the best construction site security hire guards from a trustworthy security company in Memphis, TN

best construction site security in Memphis, TN


Theft at construction sites is a serious issue. As per reports, the construction industry incurs losses of more than $400 million each year due to theft and vandalism. Replacement of equipment, job delays and downtime for operators etc., are some of the causes that lead to such losses.  But, if you are a contractor and backing up simply on builder’s risk insurance thinking that losses incurred will be completely covered by the insurance company, then you are mistaken. Often it has been observed that reimbursement rarely makes up for the losses due to the chain effects caused by construction site theft. It is therefore highly decisive to have an adequate number of professionally trained construction site security guards at your site.

 It is a known truth that criminals often get intimidated by the presence of uniformed security guards.  So, keeping well-trained and BSIS-certified security personnel positioned at your site can act as a strong deterrent to crimes. It has been observed that construction projects that had proper security service didn’t incur as much loss as compared to the sites/project that had poor security protection. 

 Now, the harsh fact is due to the presence of many spurious security firms in the market, it becomes difficult to choose or even identify a reliable security service source for construction site security. Therefore, it is recommendable to hire construction security guards only from a security company that has a substantial amount of experience in the construction security domain.

One such trustworthy security company in Memphis, TN is Access Control Security (ACS) which has over 26 years of experience in the security service domain.  ACS is known to provide the best and most accurate security solutions to all types and sizes of construction sites. The guards deployed by ACS to the construction sites are all experienced and BSIS certified.  Besides, the guards are provided training in such as manner that they have the ability to identify potential threats at construction sites. Hence, ACS guards can act rapidly to defuse crimes from occurring at the site.

Also, ACS guards are equipped with many space-age security gadgets such as radio transmitters, CCTV cameras, GPS monitoring systems, flashlights, metal detectors and many more for seamless security service delivery to construction sites. Hence, trusting ACS’s construction site security guards means you are hiring the best construction site security in Memphis, TN for your project.

So, if you are searching for a highly trustworthy security company in Memphis, TN for the best construction site security, then get in touch with ACS for the same.

To request a quote for store and business protection and other security guard services in California and Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or go to to get a quote.