Bulletproof Backpacks—More Needs To Be Done To Keep Kids Safe
Sales of bulletproof backpacks soar every time there is a school or other mass shooting. How sad that parents have to consider these types of safety precautions for their children. While bulletproof backpacks will stop bullets from a handgun, they won’t stop bullets shot for an assault rifle according to experts. What else can be done?
School Culture. How students interact with adults/teachers and each other at school can say a lot about whether a student may feel bullied or depressed—often common emotional states of troubled students who later bring a gun to school. Schools districts should invest in resources so these students can be identified and helped. The school culture should also have a zero tolerance for bullying and students should feel comfortable enough to report dangerous or disturbing behavior. All threats must be taken seriously.
School Security Protocol. Schools are fencing their perimeter and locking gates during school hours. All guests must check in at the school office. While these measures will help in keeping non-student intruders from entering, it will not stop a student from bringing a gun to school. Metal detectors at school entrances are costly to install and monitor. Other cons: they can give the school a prison-like feel and kids can usually find a way around them.
School Security Guards. One prevention step that is gaining in popularity is enlisting the help of security guards to patrol school grounds. These specially trained guards interact with students so the guards get a good sense of student dynamics. They secure the school perimeter, break up fights/bullying situations and respond if a shooting or other serious incident occurs. They play a big role in school active shooter safety drills. Students know they can look for a guard to guide them to safety in a real-life situation.
The sad fact is that no amount of security measures will stop every individual bent on creating harm. The focus should be on prevention. Working with a school security guard company, each school should conduct a risk assessment survey of the school and plan safety measures accordingly.
To request a security quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or Click Here to Get a Quote.
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