California Face Mask Mandate Means More Security Enforcement Necessary
California Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced that wearing a face covering is required statewide while residents are indoors (public spaces), outdoors and in the workplace (with some exceptions). Now, with the new round of business closures because of soaring coronavirus cases, businesses that can remain open are under pressure to enforce the face mask-wearing requirement. More and more, security guards are filling that role
Not wearing a face covering can lead to fines in some California cities. Businesses can be fined too. To prevent the risk of being cited if a mask-less customer enters their establishment, business owners are hiring security guards to help with enforcement. Guards are stationed outside entrances to monitor patrons as they enter.
ACS security guards follow set guidelines. Anyone not wearing a face covering is politely asked by the security guard to put on a mask. If they don’t have a mask, one is provided. If they still refuse to abide by the face-covering rule, they are told they cannot enter. The security guard’s objective is to make sure all patrons follow the mask-wearing order while keeping the discussion civil but firm with anyone who refuses to do so.
We’re entering a new phase of virus prevention in California, Arizona and other states in the U.S. With spiraling infection numbers, state and local governments realize that voluntary face covering compliance is not working. Stricter rules and enforcement are necessary.”
To request a security quote for store and business security guard services in California and Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at (877) 482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request to get a quote.
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