Security Guards Tackle COVID-19 And Unrest Issues While On Duty

We live in unprecedented times. The pandemic created new rules for public safety. Security guards continue being tasked with ensuring those rules are followed. The recent looting and vandalism (continuing, but thankfully, on a smaller scale) means security guards are now stepping into an additional role—this time to protect property during a time of unrest. […]

Protecting Retail Businesses From Merchandise Theft

The current unrest has exposed just how vulnerable retail businesses are to theft. Despite security gates and alarm systems, if criminals are intent on breaking into a store, they will, and then grab merchandise and be gone before police can respond. The only significant deterrent to this type of crime is the physical presence of […]

As Mask Wearing Requirements Grow, So Does The Need For Security Guards

Stores are reopening. As they do, many states and counties are requiring that patrons wear masks in retail stores. Not every customer wants to follow these rules, however, which can lead to angry words, heated arguments and in some cases physical altercations. That’s why stores, from small outlets to big-box operations, are hiring security guards […]

Security Guards Keeping Safe While Safeguarding Others

The need for security guards—at hospitals, public places, private businesses, banks, grocery stores—has never been higher. The security guard industry was already experiencing record growth. Because of current conditions, security guard companies are actively recruiting and training guards to meet the demand. Security Guard Training.  Applicants go through a thorough screening and training process. They […]

Closed Retail Businesses Turning To Security Guards to Protect Assets

Retail stores and malls have been closed for almost two months. Shutting down is hard, but it’s even harder after realizing that your store or mall has been broken into. That’s why storeowners and property managers are enlisting the help of retail security guards to patrol locations to stop trespassers and would-be robbers while businesses […]

Bank Security Guards—Challenges and Precautions

Bank security guards are a common sight in many locations—and with good reason. According to FBI statistics, over 3,000 bank robberies occurred in 2018. Now, factor in the COVID-19 pandemic and bank security guards are more important than ever. Monitoring Bank Customers. Many bank and credit union branches are closed or only allow a limited […]

Critical Role of Hospital Security Guards

With the growing concern about the coronavirus, hospitals are on high alert when receiving new patients. Hospital security guards stationed in emergency rooms are on the front lines. In addition to their duties of helping manage the flow of patients and addressing violent or unruly patient behavior, emergency room security guards must now be on […]

Possibly Lower Your Insurance Costs With Stronger Safety and Security Measures

A business viewed as high risk for safety and security by its insurance company is going to pay a significantly higher insurance premium than a business considered low risk. While some industries are inherently more dangerous than others are, all businesses can take measures to lower their security vulnerabilities—enough so that its insurance company takes […]

Traits Of A Top Security Guard

People expect a security guard to be well trained in security and safety measures. Acquiring these skills and passing the required license certification courses is just the start. There is so much more to being a first-rate security guard. Excellent Communication Skills. Much of a security guard’s duties involve interacting with the public. This interaction […]

Shopping Center Security Guard Foils Assault

Shopping center security guards’ day-to-day duties often involve preventing shoplifting, break-ins and vandalism. On some days, however, their quick action can save lives. Such was the case in San Jose recently. A retail center security guard was patrolling the San Jose shopping center when he decided to check out a car parked in a remote […]