Security Measures To Prevent Squatters At Second Home

If you own a second home, you run the risk of someone occupying your home without your permission. They aren’t robbers. Your second home may be taken over by squatters. This is a familiar story in today’s tight housing market. And once in, neither you nor the police can kick them out because of laws […]

Security Guards For Mobile Home Parks

Over 18 million Americans choose to live in mobile home parks. Living in a mobile home park can be an ideal way to enjoy retirement. Unfortunately, mobile home parks can also be easy targets for criminals. Not long ago, a group of drunk teenagers raided homes and storage sheds at a Southern California park, and […]

Latest Hate Crime Targets Synagogue

Hateful acts against innocent people are always infuriating. Unfortunately, they show no signs of abating. The latest in Los Angeles County was against a West Los Angeles synagogue. In this case, a 34-year-old man carved an anti-Semitic slur into the synagogue door. What possesses a person to commit these kinds of acts is perplexing —obviously, […]

Vandals Slash More Than 40 Tires At San Bernardino Apartment Complex

Residents of a San Bernardino County apartment complex woke up one morning to find that vandals had slashed the tires of their vehicles. More than 40 cars were damaged. According to police, the tires were punctured sometime after midnight. The result was a lot of angry residents worried about their personal safety and the security […]

Luxury Apartments—Target Of Home Break-Ins

Luxury apartment buildings in Los Angeles are notorious targets for property crime. In one complex, 73 serious burglaries were committed in under a year. It takes less than 10 minutes to ransack an apartment, but a burglary will have a devastating, lasting impact on your tenants. Luxury Apartments and Condos Attract Criminals. The wealthier the […]

Security Guards For Storage Facilities

Imagine pulling up to your storage unit to retrieve your designer furniture – ready, at last, to move it into a new home. You slide the gate open and find your whole unit has been burglarized. Pretty shocking, right? Well, this is a reality for many storage users. And with 1 in 10 households storing […]

Security Guard Services For Government Facilities

Local, state and federal governments hire private security guards to help provide protection at their facilities. Government buildings using private guard services include government-run schools, hospitals, local, state and federal government centers, post offices and other properties. Strong, Affordable Security.  Using a private government facilities security guard company to patrol government buildings is more financially […]

Safety Precautions At Public Parking Lots And Garages

Every day, millions of Americans park their cars in privately owned parking lots and garages. We park our cars and then head to restaurants, plays, movies, concerts–never thinking twice that our car may be at risk. Private parking lot/garage owners can take important security measures to ensure that feeling of safety remains. Retain A Parking […]

Personal Security In Today’s Unsecure World

“I got threatening calls for ransom when someone found out that I landed a big business deal…” This is not a line from a TV crime show. This is the world we live in. Dangerous Times. With corruption and violence in our daily news, all kinds of people have come to rely on the protection […]

Security Guard Services For Beachfront Homes

Those fortunate enough to own beachfront property, have unique security issues. By law, California’s beaches are open to the public (unless the property is  controlled by the government). This can leave beachfront homes susceptible to easy entry by criminals. Beachfront Property Security Guards. With beachgoers having access to the “backyards” of their homes, some individual […]