Safeguarding Street Fairs and Festivals

Spring is the start of the street fair and festival season. In light of recent tragic incidents, keeping patrons safe has become a critical component of festival planning. Security Assessment. Enlist the help of law enforcement to review your event layout. Walk the property with local police to identify and address any security weak points […]

Maintaining Hospital Security Becoming More Challenging

According to a 2016 hospital security survey by Health Facilities Management and the American Society for Healthcare Engineering, 75 percent of hospital management surveyed said that maintaining security has recently become more challenging. One of the biggest take-aways from the survey is that hospitals are now pro-actively training management and staff so they can respond […]

Simple Tips to Prevent Home Break-Ins

According to Bureau of Justice statistics, in 2016, U.S. households were the victims of 15.9 million property crimes–almost 20 crimes per 1,000 households. About 8.8 percent of all households experienced at least one property crime. And that’s not the whole story. The Bureau of Justice estimates only 35.7 percent of property crime were reported to […]

Adding An Extra Layer of Security

With the concern recently about security at schools, events and other public places, it’s hard to imagine that untrained staff at these locations can see and respond to all the possible safety threats that may arise around them. Extra Ears and Eyes. Employees at schools, events, retail stores, nightclubs, public facilities and commercial businesses are […]

School Security—No Easy Answers

As the Parkland, Florida school massacre shows us, trying to prevent school shootings and other violence on campuses is a tremendous challenge. Until elected officials make strides on gun safety and mental health issues, the bottom line is that schools are pretty much on their own to find ways to keep their students safe. Counseling. […]

Another Week…Another School Shooting. When Will It Stop?

Another school shooting in the U.S.–this time in the city just voted the safest in Florida—Parkland. Seventeen people were killed and 15 were wounded. Only 45 days into 2018 and there has already been eight school shootings that have resulted in injury or death—and these don’t count the number of times a gun was discharged […]

Interesting Facts About Shoplifting

Shoplifters steal from all sorts of stores—from big retailers to thrift shops. There isn’t a certain profile of a shoplifter—they are from all age groups, many work and they often pay for an item while stealing another. Here are some other statistics about shoplifting from the National Association of Shoplifting Prevention. –Shoplifting is often not […]

How to Make Sure Your Security Guards Are Doing Their Job

By hiring outside security guards to keep your business, retail outlet, event, school or other venue safe, you’re counting on those guards to do their job. But how do you know if they are? Here are some suggestions. Check Security Guard Company References. Don’t assume all security guard companies are equal. When selecting a guard […]

How Secure Is Your Storage Unit?

Storage units are big business. According to the Self Storage Association, there are more than 48,500 storage facilities in the U.S. that account for 2.3 billion square feet of storage space. When you put your belongings in a storage unit, how safe are they? An ABC Television report points out some of the weaknesses of […]

What Makes a Great Security Guard?

When seeking security guards for your business, school, place of worship, home or event, you need to factor in more than training and licenses. Here are other attributes of a quality security guard. Being Aware. One of a guard’s greatest assets is to have command over his or her surroundings– always being alert to possible […]