What Makes a Great Security Guard?

When seeking security guards for your business, school, place of worship, home or event, you need to factor in more than training and licenses. Here are other attributes of a quality security guard. Being Aware. One of a guard’s greatest assets is to have command over his or her surroundings– always being alert to possible […]

Even With New Chip Technology, Credit Card Fraud Still A Problem

The new EMV (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) computer chips found in more and more credit cards were supposed to make credit card fraud much harder to pull off. While the chip’s introduction in the U.S. (it’s been available in Europe for years) and its stronger security capabilities have helped make payment transactions safer, fraud is still […]

Security Checklist for Convenience Stores

Convenience stores, those small retail outlets that stock everything from snacks, slurpees and hot food items to alcohol and basic groceries, are great for customers in a hurry. Unfortunately, they are also easy marks for robbers who can grab money from the cash register or steal items and be on their way in minutes. While […]

Crack Down on Shoplifting in 2018

With the holiday season almost behind us, now may be a good time to evaluate your store’s security needs for 2018. Did you experience increases in shoplifting during the holidays or overall in 2017? You’re not alone. According to the 2017 National Retail Security Survey, “the average cost per shoplifting incident doubled in 2017 to […]

Thank You For Putting Your Trust in ACS

Safety and security are never easy topics to discuss. You must anticipate the worst—at your business, school, house of worship, retail store, event or home—and then take the necessary precautions. Often, that means hiring a security company like ACS to help. It goes without saying that 2017 has been a tumultuous year. It has made […]

Access Control Security Introduces New Security Guard Training Website

Access Control Security is proud to announce a new website devoted to security guard training. The site provides 32 hours of basic security guard training plus another 8 hours of enhanced training for a total of 40 hours. Guards receive a certificate of completion upon successfully finishing the course and passing a competency test from […]

Put Security On Your Holiday Wish List

Not sure what gift to ask for this holiday? How about security—for yourself, family, car and home? Personal Security. Carrying a can of pepper spray used to be the only protection available for individuals to fend off an attacker. While still a valuable tool, other items are designed to scare would-be assailants. They include small […]

Crime and the Holidays: Keep Your Guard Up

For most of us, the holidays are a fun and exciting time to see friends and family, to entertain, buy gifts and decorate our home. Unfortunately, thieves see it as the prime time to steal. Every year, news reports tell of Christmas gifts being stolen from under the tree, homes broken into while families are […]

Planning a Holiday Office Party—Keep Them Fun as Well as Safe For Everyone

It’s the time of year for holiday office parties—a time to celebrate the hard work of your employees in a happy and relaxed atmosphere. Unfortunately, office party horror stories are common—an employee drinks too much, inappropriate behavior or words between employees occur, property is damaged. Things can get ugly. To ensure everyone behaves themselves, here […]

Preparing For The Holidays: Home Security Tips

The holiday season is here. It’s time for buying presents, traveling and decorating. It’s also a time when thieves break into homes. According to the FBI, a burglary occurs every 15 seconds in the U.S. Besides cash, thieves look for items to steal that they can easily sell. These include electronics, jewelry, firearms, prescription drugs […]