Don’t Let Wedding Crashers and Thieves Ruin Your Big Day

Wedding season is upon us. A lot goes into a wedding—selecting the location, food, music, guest list, invitations, decorations, attire—but how about wedding security? If you’re arranging a large reception, especially where alcohol is plentiful, you must be prepared for the possibility of unruly guests, wedding crashers (hoping to nab free drinks and food) and […]

Fumigating a Home Kills Termites But Attracts Another Type of Invading Pest: Burglars

A home covered by a big fumigation tent is a tempting target to burglars willing to risk breathing toxic air for the chance to rob the property of its valuables. Tented homes are easy, unsecured targets. Homeowners would never think of leaving for several days with windows wide open, but that’s what happens when a […]

Don’t Make Thieves Feel Welcome at Your Hotel

Hotel theft can be the result of actions by employees, guests, vendors, and of course, professional thieves. Security cameras can act as a deterrent, but their real value is after the fact when the police are trying to determine the perpetrator. Ideally, security measures should prevent thefts from happening in the first place. Guest Room […]

Deciding On The Right Number of Security Guards For Your Large Event

Every large public or private event needs security to protect people and property. But how much security is needed? While most events are peaceful and security guards are rarely called into action, taking the chance of hiring too few security guards can leave your event and its patrons vulnerable if an incident occurs. Here’s when […]

Arrests Down, But Crime Is Up

The Los Angele Police and Los Angeles County Sherriff’s departments made the lowest number of arrests in 2015 in nearly 50 years, according to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times. Nearly a half a million fewer arrests were made in 2015 compared to 2006. Property crimes, those that most often plague shopping centers, […]

Is Your House of Worship Secure?

It’s happening with regularity. Another Jewish cemetery or place of worship is desecrated or vandalized with vulgar graffiti. While the authorities are trying to figure out who is responsible, congregations are understandably feeling vulnerable. Bomb threats, smashed windows, death threats, spray-painted swastikas–directed at synagogues and Jewish community centers—are part of the daily news cycle. According […]

Event Security in an Increasingly Uneasy World

Event security has certainly gotten more complicated since the early 2000s. Not only do event organizers have to address “normal” issues (unruly patrons, theft, vandalism, gatecrashers), they need to face the fact that most events are “soft targets” for more nefarious types of behavior. How do you keep people safe without ruining their event experience? […]

Access Control Security Celebrates 25th Anniversary

Access Control Security (ACS) is celebrating its 25th anniversary. A family-owned company, it provides security and loss prevention services to commercial, residential, medical and government facilities throughout California and Arizona. ACS and our sister companies employ over 1,000 security guards who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Clients include shopping centers, […]

Preventing Workplace Violence

According to OSHA, almost 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace violence each year. As a business owner or manager, how can you help prevent workplace violence? Here’s what OSHA suggests: “One of the best protections employers can offer their workers is to establish a zero-tolerance policy toward workplace violence. This policy […]

Keeping Safe While Driving

We feel safe in our cars. Cars offer us a sense of insulation from the noisy, sometimes dangerous unknown world just beyond our windshield. Of course, that’s not entirely accurate. While cars now have all sorts of safety features to reduce harm caused by accidents, common sense still prevails when it comes to other ways […]