Cities Hire Security Guards As Police Shortage Grows
Cities are hiring security guards to help make up for a shortage of police officers. Salinas, California is considering hiring private security guards to patrol a park in the evening because the city’s shrinking police force doesn’t have the resources to provide park security. Smaller towns are being hit hardest by the shortage.
Why There Is A Police Shortage. According to a survey by the Police Executive Research Forum, there has been a recent increase in police resignations and retirements. There aren’t enough new recruits to take their place. If this trend continues, police departments will not be able to provide adequate police coverage and response times to crimes could be impacted.
Cities still need a security presence. Hiring security guards is one solution. In cities where there are police shortages, businesses, schools and medical facilities should consider hiring their own security guards to add a layer of protection.
Access Control Security (ACS) is a leader in security services. For a free security estimate, contact ACS at 888-629-7648 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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