Five Ways Companies Can Stay Safe
- Fully vet all of your employees
Use Life Scan when vetting your employees. Live Scan is an electronic fingerprinting process that ACS uses to help with our employee background checks. The fingerprint is transmitted to the Department of Justice. The DOJ then searches all U.S. government lists (local, state and federal) for any potential issues.
- Do a complete inventory of products and/or intellectual property
When was the last time you did an inventory? Without regular inventory checks, you won’t know what items may be missing. By maintaining proper inventory control, you can identify and stop employee theft early.
- Consider a “remote viewing” security camera system
A remote viewing security camera system installed at your business allows you to have access to live security camera video from anywhere in the world with the use of a PC or smartphone.
- Conduct a Emergency Management Plan (EMP) evaluation or have a professional prepare one and heed the suggestions
Make certain employees know what to do if emergency scenarios take place such as an earthquake, fire or a hostile employee or intruder. Prepare an EMP and review it regularly to make sure it is up to date. Review the plan and procedures with your staff.
- Check with local law enforcement on current crime trends and act per their suggestions.
Establishing a relationship with law enforcement gives you an important line of communication on security matters. If crime trends indicate an increase in break-ins at warehouses and your business happens to own one, law enforcement can offer you suggestions on what you can do to discourage intruders. They are here to help. Take advantage of their knowledge.
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