Guards Provide Security Services To Grocery Stores, Taking Burden Off Employees
It’s happening everywhere. Someone walks into a grocery store without a facemask despite posted signs stating all customers must wear a face covering to shop. Store employees don’t say anything to the shopper. They’ve seen the viral videos showing the terrible consequences after employees ask customers to wear a mask. They are fearful that they may be yelled at or worse. That’s when the presence of a security guard at the store entrance can be invaluable.
Grocery Store Security Guards. Grocery store security guards are trained to enforce store rules. That’s their primary job—whether it’s to prevent shoplifting or to ensure customers wear facemasks during a pandemic. Having a security guard at a food store takes the responsibility of monitoring customer behavior off store employees. Guards can offer facemasks to customers who aren’t wearing one. If customers insist on entering without face coverings, guards are trained to try to reduce tensions. If that doesn’t work, mask-less customers will be escorted out.
When customers remove their masks once shopping, security guards, not store employees, will politely ask customers to either wear a mask or leave the store. If the situation escalates (which may be the desire of the most belligerent customers), security guards are trained to respond properly.
Unfortunately, these incidents are becoming more common. Grocery workers are already under enormous pressure. They must wear masks during their entire workday, listen to verbal complaints from frustrated customers and keep themselves safe—all while trying to provide a positive customer experience. Security guard companies, including Access Control Security, are providing security guard services to stores to keep customers and store workers safe.
To request a security quote for grocery store security guard services in California and Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at (877) 482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request to get a quote.
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