Holiday Parking Jams, Safety and Security
Parking lots are dangerous places throughout the year, but according to the National Safety Council (NSC) during the holidays, things get worse. Drivers as well as pedestrians are more likely to be distracted and in a hurry–resulting in accidents and criminal activity.
The NSC offers these guidelines:
Stay Off Cell Phones. Whether driving or walking, don’t use your cell phones—that means no texting, talking, reading emails, watching videos or using social media. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Don’t Rely Only On Back-Up Cameras. Even if your car is equipped with a back-up camera, don’t rely solely on what you see on the car screen. The NSC says to look over your shoulder and use your mirrors as you back up.
Access Control Security recommends that malls and shopping centers implement additional security measures during the holidays to help prevent parking lot accidents and theft.
Proper Lighting. Properly lit parking lots and garages reduces the dark spaces where criminals can hide and cuts down on the chances that thieves can break into a car without being noticed. Well-lit lots and structures enable drivers to better see pedestrians.
Add Parking Lot Security Guards. Parking lot security guard patrols from private guard companies such as Access Control Security can walk the space or canvass the area in well-marked cars or golf carts. An on-site parking security guard presence not only deters crime or can stop an incident in progress but also encourages good public behavior.
Assist Patrons. Walking through a parking lot or structure can make many patrons feel uneasy—especially at night. As part of their service, parking security guards can assist patrons to their cars and stay with them until they are safely on their way.
Parking Enforcement. To keep holiday traffic moving, parking security guards can maintain traffic flow, assist in the case of accidents, when a vehicle becomes inoperable and report illegally parked vehicles that require towing.
To request a security quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or Click Here to Get a Quote.
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