Holiday Shopping Brings Security Challenges
Walk into any mall or retail outlet on Black Friday and you quickly realize the tremendous security challenges the holiday season brings. Throngs of shoppers of all ages descend on retailers during the holidays. The large holiday crowds and overwhelmed workers make shoplifting a serious issue to a retailer’s bottom line.
According to a Jack L. Hayes International survey, “over 279,000 shoplifters and dishonest employees were apprehended in 2018 by just 20 large retailers who recovered over $114 million from these thieves.” The majority of shoplifting and employee theft thieves are never caught.
Here are some security and tips for the holidays.
–Don’t overload your store with holiday merchandise displays that block employees from easily viewing the movements of customers.
–If your store is often overwhelmed by customers, map out a strategic placement plan for employers so an employee is always present (or can see) every area of the store.
–Have employees engage with customers. Comments from shoplifters indicate they would be less likely to steal if they interacted with employees.
–Add prominent security cameras and signage throughout the store.
Seasonal Store Security Guard Company To Prevent Shoplifting. Temporary holiday retail store security guard services are becoming more common. Retailers will use these seasonal security guards to be a presence at store entrances to monitor who is entering and exiting. If an employee spots a shoplifter, the guards will detain the shoplifter until police arrive.
To request a security quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or Click Here to Get a Quote.
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