Home Security During The Holidays
Home security during the holidays should be top of mind for homeowners. This is especially true this holiday season with so many packages being delivered as we shop online instead of in stores. There are several measures to take to prevent theft and break-ins during the holidays.
Hide Delivered Packages. Criminals cruise neighborhoods looking for packages left on doorsteps. If you are out and expect deliveries, ask your neighbor to pick them up. Some delivery services enable you to instruct where to place packages so they are out of sight from the street. You can also have packages sent to a nearby FedEx or UPS store for pickup.
Mount Visible Security Cameras. Thieves don’t want to be seen. If they spot a security camera, most will leave to look for less a secure target. If thieves decide a break-in is worth the risk of being on camera, camera surveillance is most effective when they are monitored continuously and action can be taken if a crime is in progress.
Many security guard companies in Calabasas and Malibu offer around-the-clock security camera surveillance. If offsite staff sees a crime, they will immediately call the police. Without this immediate response capability, a camera’s only benefit would be for police to try to identify the criminals by reviewing camera feeds—but by then, the crime has already been committed and the crooks are long gone.
Simple Preventative Actions Make A Difference. Keep lights on inside and out if you’ll be out at night. Clear away shrubs by windows or doors that could give criminals cover while they break in. Communicate with your neighbors—agree that if anyone sees something suspicious in the neighborhood or at a neighbor’s home, police will be notified.
Holiday Security Guard Service. Consider hiring a security guard service for your home during the holidays if you are going to be away, even for a few days. The guards will stop by your home day and night to make sure everything is secure and any packages are placed in an out-of-view location.
To request a quote for licensed and bonded security guards services during the holidays in Calabasas and Malibu and throughout California and Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at (877) 482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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