Keeping the Peace at Public Demonstrations
Whether at parks, government sites, city streets or other public areas, local officials need to keep demonstrations from becoming violent. While most are peaceful, it only takes one or two individuals to instigate violence and cause harm. Security guards at demonstrations are one way to keep participants safe.
Security Presence Deters Troublemakers. Everyone has a right to demonstrate peacefully. However, when emotions run high and opposing viewpoints clash, some individuals may find it difficult to show restraint. The presence of security guards will help keep demonstrators in check. If someone becomes verbally abusive or threatens violence, guards can intervene quickly until police arrive. Demonstrators can also report suspicious activity to guards, who can respond promptly.
With current unrest at high levels, extra security measures are necessary. It is the local government’s responsibility to prevent dangerous behavior from occurring on public property.
ACS has over 25 years of experience protecting property and people. We maintain $5 million in liability coverage and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
To request a quote for security guard services, call Access Control Security at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request to get a quote.
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