Make Security A Top Priority At Your Holiday Company Event

After three years of pandemic shutdowns, businesses are back to holding holiday parties for their employees. As festive as the occasions may be, there is a security element that needs to be addressed. As we’ve seen, a disgruntled employee may see an office party as the time to vent their anger.

Hire Temporary Guards. Holiday company parties whether onsite or offsite produce challenging security issues. Work colleagues are placed in an informal setting often where alcohol is served. That’s where temporary security guards can keep the party running smoothly.

Employees who would otherwise act professionally can behave inappropriately after having too much to drink. When someone begins to misbehave, it shouldn’t be left to other employees to subdue the individual. On-duty security guards are the ones tasked with escorting unruly guests from the site.

Fear of violence, even during times of celebration, also needs to be addressed. Armed and unarmed guards are available. Security guard companies, such as Access Control Security (ACS), meet with party organizers to discuss possible security concerns (including identifying people to watch carefully or prevent from entering). The goal is to hold a company event that is happy and peaceful—in keeping with the holiday spirit.

To learn more about holiday office party security, contact Access Control Security at 877-482-7324 or go to We have over 25 years of event security experience.