Need For Security Guards Increase As Proof Of Vaccination Requirements Begin
Cities and counties across California and Arizona are beginning to require proof of vaccination before entering public spaces. The Los Angeles City Council recently voted unanimously to move forward with an indoor-only proposal. In Phoenix, proof of vaccination is required for upcoming outdoor concerts. Not wanting their employees to monitor who is and who isn’t vaccinated, businesses are turning to security guards to do the job.
Fear Of Retaliation. When the virus was raging last year and before the vaccination was available, employees of restaurants and stores were the victims of verbal abuse and violence and they attempted to enforce mask mandates. Now, when vaccination proof is necessary to enter public spaces, expect to see much of the same response from a segment of the population.
Security guards offer a layer of protection between employees and troublemakers. They are trained to handle those who refuse to comply with the new rules or who are intent on making a scene. Fortunately, guards can verify vaccinations prior to individuals entering a public space so trouble can be avoided inside.
Plan Ahead. Especially for restaurants and stores that experienced previous problems over mask mandates, now is the time for owners and managers to place security guards in place.
For more than 25 years, Access Control Services has deployed guards to locations in California and Arizona. Uniformed guards are skilled in interacting with people. If a disturbance occurs, they will move the individual away from the property, and if necessary, contact law enforcement for further action.
To request a security guard quote for store, restaurant or event venue, give Access Control Security a call at (877) 482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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