Our Sense of Security Is Once Again Shattered
We don’t think twice about taking the kids to go shopping to buy their back-to-school items. Or spending a Saturday night with friends at a restaurant. That’s what many people were doing this weekend when lives were cut down and dozens were injured. Our hearts go out to El Paso and Dayton. It seems like it was only last week (and it was) that the country was morning the senseless deaths at the Gilroy Garlic Festival.
The perpetrators were almost immediately killed or taken into custody but they still had time to carry out their horrific acts.
As a security guard company, we know that the El Paso, Texas shooting and the Dayton, Ohio shooting prove that no amount of mall, restaurant, festival or school security (or any public place security for that matter) will be 100 percent effective in stopping killers bent on killing.
Until we as a nation are willing to address the root causes of such violence, the violence will continue.
To request a security quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or Click Here to Get a Quote.
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