Overnight Burglaries On The Rise; More Security Needed
Los Angeles-area restaurants and shops are experiencing an increase in nighttime burglaries. Some locations have been hit multiple times. Enlisting the services of overnight security guards is one way to stop these criminals.
Crime of Opportunity. Burglars select locations in which they can gain easy access—usually those with glass entry doors or large glass frontage windows. Add overnight security guards to patrol the street after hours and the restaurants and shops become much less attractive to criminals.
24/7 Security Cameras. Security cameras can only do so much. There are videos of the burglars in action but since the criminals’ faces are covered, identifying who they are is difficult. Burglars know they are being recorded, but that doesn’t deter them. By the time the camera feed is reviewed (usually the next day), the criminals are long gone. One option is to use 24/7 security camera monitoring. Feeds are reviewed in real-time. If a break-in is spotted, offside security alerts police or a nearby security guard for immediate action.
Investing in security services can save businesses thousands of dollars. Access Control Security has been helping secure restaurants and retail outlets for almost 30 years. To find out how we can help you, go to call 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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