Criminal Targets Pharmacies In Thousand Oaks, CA
Pharmacies can be easy targets for criminals. Such was the case in Thousand Oaks, CA where three separate pharmacies were robbed in three months. A thief entered by breaking through a wall from an adjoining business after both stores were closed. The thief was after prescription drugs. Fortunately, the criminal was tracked down and arrested in Orange County. Because pharmacy robberies are so prevalent, some pharmacy chains and independent store owners are hiring security guards for protection.
The demand for narcotics, especially opioids, is what’s driving the increase in pharmacy robberies. With law enforcement cracking down on overprescribing opioids, addicts are getting desperate. A black market for these and other addictive drugs are spurring criminal activity. It’s gotten so serious that the U.S. Department of Justice has created a brochure to help pharmacies implement pharmacy security measures and to describe what to do in case of a robbery.
Pharmacy Security. Criminals hit pharmacies that they perceive as low risk/high return. Low risk can mean no visible security cameras or alarms, little outdoor lighting, no security gates around where drugs are dispensed and distracted staff who aren’t paying attention to customers as they come and go. A pharmacy in a relatively low-crime area is not immune. In fact, it’s these pharmacies that usually have fewer security protections.
Pharmacy Security Tips.
–Prominently display security cameras; include signs that indicate the cameras are on 24/7.
–Add lighting around the store perimeter so it is difficult to enter unnoticed after hours.
–Have employees make eye contact and greet all customers—criminals don’t want attention.
–Consider hiring a security guard firm that will assign a security guard to protect the store during business hours as well as after hours.
To request a quote for pharmacy security guards in Thousand Oaks, the Conejo Valley as well as throughout California and Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at (877) 482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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