Prom Season Approaches—Will Students Be Safe?
Prom season is almost upon us. It’s a time for students to put on their finest attire and celebrate the approaching end of the school year. While teachers, staff and parents often act as chaperones, these celebrations, like any large events, need security personnel in place to ensure they are safe for all.
A lot can happen on prom night. Here are just a few examples of what can go wrong and how security guards can help.
Underage Drinking and Drugs. Inevitably, some students will try to bring alcohol or drugs to the venue. Guards can be assigned to check purses, coats and other items to make sure nothing slips by.
Rowdy Students. Teens are an emotional bunch. When tempers flare (or alcohol or drugs make it past the checkpoint), fists can start to fly. Guards can quickly defuse the situation by breaking up fights and bringing the instigators to school staff.
An Emergency Occurs. Whether it’s as mundane as a teen setting off a fire alarm or something more sinister, security guards are trained to immediately act in emergency situations to ensure guests are safe.
Gate Crashers. Security personnel can take on the duties of patrolling the perimeter of the venue to ensure teens don’t leave without permission and gate crashers can’t enter.
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