Protecting Houses of Worship
Hate crimes are on the rise. In the last 3 years alone, over 50 people in the U.S. have been killed inside their church, synagogue or mosque.
These tragedies remind us that we need to do much more to secure the very places where we seek peace and protection.
Congregations are easy targets for theft, vandalism, threats and shootings. Doors are open to all and, for the most part, there are no security measures in place.
Why? Because most houses of worship see a security strategy as contradictory to their message of peace. As uncomfortable as it may be, congregation leaders must address security issues head on.
A house of worship security guard company can design a security strategy within the comfort zone of your congregation and your resources.
Simple measures can make a big difference. During services, security guards can be your first line of protection. They are trained to respond to any threat or suspicious behavior, and are in direct contact with the local police.
A house of worship security guard company can also help you with installing surveillance cameras, adding security alarms and designing an emergency plan in the event of a lockdown or evacuation.
In these troubled times, a security guard service can enable your congregation to feel safe and protected from harm.
To view a video on house of worship security, go to https://youtu.be/jr0q0L7sEAg.
To request a security quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or Click Here to Get a Quote.
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