Public And Private Property Owners Increasing Security Guard Presence Over Threats Of Unrest
We all watched in horror as rioters entered and then defaced the Capitol building last week. State and local governments in California and Arizona are making sure that similar disturbances do not happen at state owned properties. State capitols are boosting security protection measures as threats of unrest increase heading towards inauguration day on January 20.
In addition to police and National Guard, private security guards are being hired and deployed around capitol buildings in case protestors turn violent. The show of force is designed to keep lawful protests peaceful and stop those intent on causing harm and vandalism.
Private security guards from Access Control Security (ACS) are part of the security efforts. Our guards are being stationed at city, county and state office buildings. If a disturbance arises—either by a large group or a few individuals—guards will respond and will detain lawbreakers.
Protecting Public Property. State capitols are not the only buildings adding extra security to protect against those intent on doing harm as inauguration day nears. Public buildings in major California and Arizona cities are shoring up their security, including hiring outside security guards, to keep property safe. Guards are being posted around the perimeter of buildings. Guards will remove any unauthorized individuals who cause disturbances on the property and turn them over to law enforcement.
Private Property Protection. While government properties are taking steps to beef up security before the January 20 inauguration, so are private properties owners. As we’ve seen, out-of-control mobs can quickly overrun public—and private—properties when there isn’t a proper security presence. Access Control Security guards are being placed around the perimeter of stores, strip malls and shopping centers to deter criminals from entering the property.
For security guard services in California and Arizona, call Access Control Security at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com. Guards can normally be dispatched within hours of a request.
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