Retailers: Incorporate Security Guards Into Your Overall Security Plan
Retailers tend to enlist the services of a security guard company after an incident or a string of incidents occur—an armed robbery, an increase in shoplifting or suspected employee theft. Instead of waiting until a negative event happens and the financial loss it brings, retailers should consider incorporating security guards as part of a store’s regular security safeguards.
Not Just Temporary Add-Ons. Retail store security guard services shouldn’t be added after the fact—a temporary fix to security issues. A retail store security guard company works with an outlet, discusses security concerns and then devises a security plan that incorporates not only security guards, but also store employees, physical store layout and electronic monitoring. The guards are just one element of an overall security strategy.
Loss Prevention. Retail store employees are an important ingredient to help identify shoplifting and other retail crimes, but it shouldn’t be their job to confront or detain criminals. These are the responsibility of a store security guard. A top security guard company for commercial and retail stores employs guards with the proper training and experience. Store employees know that if they see something suspicious, they can alert security personnel who can then take action.
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