School Security Guard Saves The Life of Seventh Grader
We sometimes overlook the heroic acts by school security guards that happen daily around the country. One example occurred in a middle school in White Oaks, Maryland involving Freddie Davis, a security guard at the school for five years. During a recent lunch hour, students alerted him that one of their friends was choking. He raced over and performed the Heimlich maneuver. The seventh grader coughed up a piece of chicken that had been lodged in his throat.
Davis says that saving a life was just part of his job. He noted that he had just been recently recertified in first aid training.
Davis’ security and safety skills enable him to perform numerous duties that go beyond first aid. Campus security guards keep bad guys from entering the school grounds. They help coordinate safety drills, and build bonds with students. Students feel safe going to a school security guard if they are being bullied, in danger or hear or see something that puts students or the school at risk.
In these unsettling times, they are a comforting presence.
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