Security Guard Duties Change As Public Needs Change
Much has changed in the past seven months in the security guard industry. In normal times, guards are typically dispatched to secure outdoor festivals, concerts and sporting events in spring, summer and early fall in California and Arizona. They are hired for large private functions including corporate meetings and weddings. With those gatherings are on hold, security guard duties have evolved as government, business and individual security needs have shifted.
New Responsibilities. Experienced security guard companies such as Access Control Security were quick to see the need to revamp services. Early on, when gathering restrictions were first announced and the number of ill patients began to rise, top security guard service companies immediately began to train their guards to support hospitals. They now routinely screen those entering medical facilities with temperature checks and by asking about recent medical history.
As face-covering mandates were put in place, guards were asked to ensure that all patrons entering a store or other establishment had the proper face coverings. Guards were (and still are) put in harm’s way by those who refuse to abide local and state requirements.
Guards have also been tasked with guarding unoccupied office buildings, limiting those entering banks and monitoring public parks and beaches for social distancing compliance.
Eventually, society will return to normal and events and large get-togethers will resume. Until then, security guards will do what’s needed to keep the public secure and safe.
To request a security quote for security guard services in Los Angeles. San Francisco, Phoenix and throughout California and Arizona, give Access Control Security a call at (877) 482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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