Security Guard Stops Gunman; Hailed As A Hero
When a man armed with an AR15 entered a social services center and fired a shot, the security guard on duty did what he was trained to do—subdue the man until police arrived. The guard, Reynaldo Beckford, used his 20 years of security guard experience during the struggle. Fortunately, no one was hurt and the gunman was taken into custody. Security guards put their lives on the line every day to ensure that people and property are safe and secure.
Security Guard Training. Security guards receive extensive training on how to address individuals who pose a threat to those around them. In most cases, verbal persuasion is all it takes to stop someone from acting out. Or, just the presence of a guard in uniform will be effective. In rare instances, a situation escalates or becomes physical within seconds. That’s when the trained security guard must make split-second decisions on whether to engage or pull back. Guards know that their decisions can have long-term consequences.
When selecting a security guard company, only choose a company with experienced security guards on staff and a proven track record for quality security services. Especially in high-risk locations, you want guards who have the knowledge and experience to act quickly and appropriately.
At Access Control Security, we have almost 30 years of experience in all types of business and community environments. Some of our guards have been with us for decades. To request a security guard quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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