Security Guards Hired To Patrol Homeless Encampments
With homelessness a crisis in many cities, government officials are turning to private security guards to patrol homeless encampments. The goal is to stop crime and violence among the homeless and criminal activity in the surrounding areas.
Keeping Communities Safe. Unhoused individuals are some of the most vulnerable to crime. Drug use, mental illness and other issues create a dangerous environment for the community and beyond.
Cities and business associations are hiring and training security guards to patrol specific areas. The guards build relationships with the homeless, refer those who are willing to service organizations and detain individuals who are causing harm to others. They also escort members of the public to their cars who feel unsafe where the homeless are congregating.
Contact Access Control Security to discuss your security needs involving homeless issues. To request a quote for security services, call Access Control Security at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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