Security Guards Keeping Safe While Safeguarding Others
The need for security guards—at hospitals, public places, private businesses, banks, grocery stores—has never been higher. The security guard industry was already experiencing record growth. Because of current conditions, security guard companies are actively recruiting and training guards to meet the demand.
Security Guard Training. Applicants go through a thorough screening and training process. They are fingerprinted and subjected to Department of Justice and FBI criminal history background checks. They then must successfully complete Bureau of Security, Investigative Services (BSIS) courses before receiving a security guard card. Lesson topics include the power to arrest, de-escalation techniques, use of force, restraint techniques and trespass laws. The security guard card enables the guard to begin work at a security guard company.
Once hired, the guard must successfully complete an additional 32 hours of compulsory continuing education within the first six months of employment.
Security Guard Safety. Added to the training, security guards are now given instructions on state, county and city contact guidelines so they are most effective in retail, financial, business, medical and other environments. Guards are provided a supply of masks and gloves to keep themselves and others safe while on the job. Security guard safety is critical.
Security guards are often the first to come in contact with retail customers, employees entering a workplace or individuals seeking treatment at medical facilities. They do temperature screenings, count the numbers of customers entering and leaving stores and other crowd control measures.
While there will always be a high demand for security guard services, these specialized guard duties will subside over time once it is safe for the public to mingle in public without worry. Until then, guards are providing essential services to their community.
For more information about online Access Control Services’ guard training, go to https://www.247GuardTraining.com.
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