Security Guards Needed At Assisted Living Facilities As COVID Continues
While many people believe COVID is under control, it’s still killing hundreds of mostly older Americans each month. Security guards are needed at assisted living facilities to test the temperatures of all those who enter and ensure proper mask wearing.
According to a Los Angeles Times article, almost 800 people died in Los Angeles County between May and July—compared to nearly 500 a year earlier. About half of the deaths nationwide are those 80 or older and another one-third were between 65 and 79. COVID break-outs are still occurring in assisted living facilities where residents are elderly and have underlying conditions.
Being Vigilant. For assisted living managers, a COVID outbreak is a constant worry. When an outbreak occurs, residents are confined to their rooms and guests cannot visit. If a facility gets a reputation for not being vigilant about COVID, families will not want their loved ones to move there.
Having a security guard at the entryway to administer temperature tests and ensure mask wearing will reduce outbreaks and show that the facility is serious about keeping its residents safe.
Access Control Security (ACS) guards are trained in COVID-related monitoring—having been at the forefront in the early stages of the pandemic. They are also experienced in elder care security issues.
Contact ACS Access Control Security (ACS) to learn how its guards can help protect your assisted living residents. Call 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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