Security Guards Protect Retail Stores During The Holidays
Holiday shopping seems to come earlier and earlier each year. Shopping malls and centers need to increase the use of security guards at their locations earlier too. Retail crime in general is getting worse. Look for the crime numbers to be even higher during the holidays. Here are tips for hiring retail security guards for the holiday shopping season.
- Only hire guards who are experienced in mall and retail security. The holidays are not the time to hire guards who are still learning on the job.
- Require that all guards have strong communication skills. Guards spend a significant amount of time interacting with customers—answering questions and offering help. They must be able to communicate in a positive way that makes customers feel welcome.
- Make sure the guards have the capacity to implement overall mall security measures. A mall security plan should already be in place before hiring additional guards for the holidays. Seasonal guards must be able to learn these security procedures and what is expected of them in both day-to-day security and in case of emergencies.
- Only use security guards from a security guard company with a long, established track record in retail security.
Access Control Security (ACS) has over 25 years of experience providing security services to retail stores and shopping malls in California and Arizona. To request a security guard quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
Watch this video: https://youtu.be/WndPznse5Ro
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