Shoplifting Crisis Calls For Security Guard Presence
A chronic shoplifter was finally arrested in Los Angeles after allegedly being linked to 50 thefts. According to the LAPD, there were 3,744 reports of shoplifting incidents in Los Angeles from January 1 through August 31, 2022. For many small businesses, shoplifting is a constant threat. Retailers are turning to security guards to prevent thieves from stealing and putting employees and shoppers in danger.
Criminals Go Unprosecuted. Although California shoplifting laws have toughened a bit recently, shoplifters know that they will most likely not be prosecuted if caught. They sense that they can steal without consequences.
In most cases, the only successful preventative measure is to deploy a security officer onsite with the skills and experience to spot would-be thieves and who knows how to deter criminal activity. And, if a theft is in progress, an experienced guard will detain the shoplifter until law enforcement arrives.
When word gets out that a store has toughened its security with onsite security guards and other measures, the store is no longer an attractive target.
Access Control Security (ACS) has over 25 years of retail security experience, providing security services to businesses in California and Arizona. To request a no-cost security assessment or security guard quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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