Simple Tips to Prevent Home Break-Ins
According to Bureau of Justice statistics, in 2016, U.S. households were the victims of 15.9 million property crimes–almost 20 crimes per 1,000 households. About 8.8 percent of all households experienced at least one property crime. And that’s not the whole story. The Bureau of Justice estimates only 35.7 percent of property crime were reported to police.
There are many ways to protect your home from theft. While technology has come a long way to discourage intruders, simple non-technical precautions can be just as effective. Here are some tips from the Los Angeles Sherriff’s Department.
–Add single cylinder deadbolt locks to all exterior doors.
–Reinforce glass in windows in the lock side of doors so a burglar cannot break the window and reach in to open the door.
–Leave outside lights on after dark or install motion sensor lighting.
–Trim bushes to eliminate hiding places, especially near windows and sidewalks.
–Don’t leave keys in mailboxes, planters, under doormats or in other obvious hiding spots. Leave an extra key with a trusted neighbor.
–Immediately report suspicious activity in your neighborhood to the police.
Remember, break-ins are a crime of opportunity. Make it difficult for them and robbers will most likely give up.
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