Stepping Up Security In An Increasingly Divided World
With people taking sides on all sorts of hot-button issues, passions run deep. The chance that emotions can spill over into violence is a real concern. Organizations and businesses are hiring security guards to protect people and property.
Churches Hire Security Guards. In Fresno, the Roman Catholic Diocese was notified of potential threats soon after the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down. The Diocese added extra security guards at their churches. The same is true for churches throughout California and Arizona.
Abortion clinics, which have been routinely subject to protests, bomb threats and violence against their workers, have also added security for fear that that ruling will embolden those who want to see them closed.
Security guards are assigned to protect property around the clock from vandalism. They safeguard visitors and workers from harassment or violence and keep protestors from trespassing. Guards work closely with local police and alert law enforcement immediately when situations escalate.
Whenever national events trigger emotional reactions, the repercussions are felt at the local level. Security guards are available to add an extra layer of security.
Access Control Security (ACS) has over 25 years of experience providing security services to businesses and houses of worship in California and Arizona including in times of civil unrest. To request a security guard or video surveillance quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or go to http://accesscontrolsecurity.com/quote-request.
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