Using Security Guards To Reduce Vandalism
Vandalism comes in all forms—broken windows, graffiti/tagging, slashed tires, destroyed property. Regardless of the type of vandalism, the cost to repair the damage falls on the shoulders of property owners. Vandalism causes even more headaches for retailors—beyond the repair and clean up.
Drives Away Customers. Graffiti can drive patrons from retail businesses. Who wants to frequent a store with gang markings and other offensive symbols and slogans plastered on the store’s outside walls?
Drives Down Property Values. Ongoing vandalism drives down property values not only for the affected property but also for the surrounding community.
A Fearful Environment. While vandalism doesn’t rise to the level of more serious crimes, it can shake the sense of security of all those affected. Employees feel unsafe to come to work. Customers are afraid to shop at stores that have been tagged or defaced.
Security Guards Protect Against Vandalism. One of the most pro-active ways to discourage vandalism is to place security guards on site especially during overnight hours when instances of vandalism are at their highest. A security guard company that handles vandalism threats will place patrols in the front and back of the building, alleys and parking lots. Guards look for signs or suspicious individuals. The presence of security guards will be enough to scare vandals away (many of whom are bored juveniles).
Security Lighting And Cameras. Vandals look for dimly lit or concealed areas to do damage. Add as much perimeter lighting as city ordinances will allow. Prominently place security cameras around the perimeter and inside the store facing outward. Security guard companies assigned to handle vandalism threats can monitor camera feeds in real time so if dispatchers see something, they can alert the onsite security guard personnel or the police.
The investment in these security measures may seem high, but the cost of vandalism clean up and repair, as well as the loss of business revenue, can be much higher.
To request a security quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or Click Here to Get a Quote.
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