Vacation Safeguards
Planning a summer vacation should also include planning to keep your home secure while you’re away. Nothing can put a damper on an enjoyable trip than to come back to a burglarized home. Here are tips to protect your home while you’re on vacation.
Light Timers. Set timers to turn on lights during evening hours. A dark house is an invitation to burglars that no one is home.
Stay Off Facebook. Wait until you return from vacation to post your travel photos on social media. Your posts can often be seen by those other than your friends despite using the strongest safeguard settings. Announcing to the world that you are away makes your home an easy target for criminals.
Lock Up Valuables. Put your important documents, jewelry, coins and other valuables in a safe. Better yet, consider placing them in a safety deposit box at your bank.
Upgrade Door & Window Locks. Before you leave, replace any broken locks. Make sure doors and windows shut tightly.
Stop Deliveries. Put a vacation hold on mail and newspaper deliveries, or if you have a reliable neighbor, ask that they pick up your items. Ask the neighbor to keep an eye on your house while you’re gone.
Hire Security. Hire security guards to patrol your home. If your HOA uses a patrol service, notify the company that you will be on vacation and need extra coverage.
Alert Your Alarm Company. If you have an automatic alarm system, contact the alarm monitoring company and give it your contact information while away as well as the contact information of trusted family members or friends in case of an emergency.
Install Exterior Lighting/Cameras. Motion detection lighting and remote-accessed security cameras have come down in price. Installing them before you go on vacation is another layer of security that will last even after your vacation is over.
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