Wedding Crasher Steals Thousands Of Dollars’ Worth of Wedding Gifts
A woman has been crashing wedding receptions and making off with cash, gift cards and envelopes containing checks that were supposed to go to the wedding couple. The wedding crasher slips in when no one is watching. Police believe she’s crashed at least six wedding receptions. She’s been caught on store surveillance cameras using the stolen gift cards to purchase items.
Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions. A thief who makes off with the bride and groom’s cash and gift cards can ruin an otherwise happy event.
Wedding Security Guard Services. While guests are enjoying a wedding reception, wedding gifts are often left unattended. In small weddings, where everyone knows everyone and the gifts are in plain view, theft may not be a problem. In larger weddings, however, the volume of guests makes it easier for a crasher to slip in, discretely pocket items at the gift table and leave without being noticed.
Wedding Reception Guard Duties. As guests arrive at the reception, a guard can be stationed near the check-in table to make sure only invited guests enter. The guard should remain at the entrance throughout the reception to stop anyone who tries to enter once the festivities are underway.
Place the gift table away from the reception entrance and away from any other entry points. A second guard can be positioned at the gift table so no one (guest or crasher) tries to pocket items or envelopes.
These wedding security guards do not need to be dressed in security uniforms, but their presence at these reception locations makes it clear that anyone trying to crash the reception or steal will be noticed and removed.
To request a security quote, give Access Control Security a call at 877-482-7324 or Click Here to Get a Quote.
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