Holiday Shopping Security

When holiday shopping, we tend to get so caught up in the spirit of the holidays—the decorations, the crowds, the adventure of finding just the right present for a loved one—we can sometimes let our guard down. Retailers add more shopping center security guards this time of year to deter theft, but there are still security measures that shoppers can take to avoid being victimized.

  • Don’t be distracted by your cell phone. Instead of focusing on your phone, pay attention to your packages and your surroundings.
  • Don’t leave your purse or valuables in a shopping cart. It only takes a second for someone to reach into a purse and grab a wallet.
  • Thieves can work in pairs. If a stranger starts talking with you and there is someone else close by, be nice (of course) but watch your belongings.
  • If possible, put your ID, keys and wallet in your front pocket. Never put anything of value in a back pocket.
  • Shopping with small children can be fun, but they can easily take a lot of your attention (and rightly so). Ideally, if kids are with you, have at least two adults present to keep an eye on the kids as well as your packages.

Parking Lots. Parking lots and structures are a favorite hangout for thieves. Don’t put your purchases in your car’s back seat and then continue to shop.  Lock items in your trunk. Look around while walking to your car. Notice anyone walking towards you. Keep keys or another devise in your hand that will sound an alarm if necessary. Don’t be on your phone (a sign to robbers that you’re not paying attention). If you’re alone, shop during the day. If you have to shop at night, park in a well-lit location. Better yet, ask a security guard to escort you to your car.