How to Decide Whether Your Business Needs A Security Guard

Sufficient security is an important part of a successful business. Unfortunately, realizing that security is lacking typically occurs after a break-in, an act of vandalism or other serious incident. Electronic options such as surveillance cameras, motion detectors and alarms are helpful, but in many cases, having a security guard onsite can greatly shore up your preventative measures.

Here are examples of when security patrol services should be considered.

Parking Lot Safety Is A Concern. Parking lots and structures can feel unsafe, especially at night. When employees feel uneasy about walking to and from their car, their work can suffer. Customers may decide they would be safer by doing business elsewhere. As part of their job, security guards can escort your employees and customers to their cars. Security guards will also patrol parking areas to prevent vandalism or theft.

Your Business Has Experienced An Increase In Crime. Whether it is shoplifting, property theft or employee safety issues, a business security guard can be the company’s “eyes and ears,” looking for inappropriate behavior. Have a security guard onsite is a strong deterrent to most would-be criminals.

You Need Help In Emergencies. Security guards should be an integral part of any business emergency plan. Not surprisingly, employees and customers typically look to security staff to guide them to safety when an emergency occurs. Guards are trained to quickly assess a situation, minimize its impact when possible and contact the appropriate authorities.

Employees Aren’t Following Security Rules. Employees are concerned about doing their jobs. They are less concerned about strictly following security procedures. Security guards can make sure doors are properly locked, customers leave the premises correctly (i.e., through metal detectors or sign out) and unsafe situations don’t arise.